Thursday, April 10, 2014


As I previously said I study Public Administration and Political Science in University of Chile. I go in second years the university. And my goals this year of the university are reach a good rate of study and learn english in order to go to student exchange in next year.

I also working for traveling this winter holiday I will no say place because is secret. I say maybe later.  

My biography

My full name is Francisca Dennett I prefer everyone call me Fran. Was in born Santiago of Chile. I twenty years old. Live with my father and my sister. My sister's name is Javiera, and father's name Ludwig. Visit my mom the weekends.

I studied in Ashell English College located in San Miguel (I dont learned English) and Madre Vicencia College located in Estacion Central. And present I study Public Administration and Political Science in University of Chile. Also working sporadically in promotions and events. With the money I accumulate I travel and buy clothes and make up

I do not practice any sport but I like biking, go to walk,  go to cinemma, go to shopping and love cooking in special sushi.

I dont have pets, I dont like.

That's part of my history. Bye!!