Thursday, May 29, 2014

Nicolás Maquiavelo

Nicolas Maquiavelo was an Italian historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher and humanist. 
This author made important contributions to political science. 

He attribute the famous sentence "the end justifies the means" but never said.
Among his works we can mention: The Art of War (1519-1520), The Discourses on Livy (1512-1517) , Florentine Histories (1520-1525) but the most important work is "The Prince (1513)". 

Wich was written while he was in prison for conspiring against the Medici. The book describes the method by which a prince can acquire and maintain political power.

I like this personage because is pioneer in political thought especially in The Prince that represent a manual for every governor 


  1. He is a very interesting person

  2. Is a personage very interesting for the political in general!!

  3. I think that Maquiavelo is interesting but i dont like so much the idea of the power and the "prince"
