Thursday, June 19, 2014


I hate to blog because it threatens my privacy, since I do not control who can see my publications and because english is very difficult for me.
What I like about the blog is that people can share useful tips.

If I would consider to have a blog, I would do this about fashion because I loved the fashion.      

I think that the blog it did help me to improve my english, but I have to practice the english to much more.

The good thing about a blog is that english classes are very didactics and that wach its do more funny.

A bad thing about the blog is that you have less interaction with your classmates.

One thing that I would change is the language from english to spanish :D

Thursday, June 5, 2014

I love cooking

One thing I love is cooking, from small that caught my attention and I always asked my mom to teach me. I love cooking because I find it very entertaining and and also relaxes me, I enjoy so much it. 

I believe that cooking is an art in which you have to have creativity and skills.

I cook all kinds of dishes, but my favorites are the sweet things as cake, pancake, kuchen, lemon pie, type of cokie, cuchuflis, etc. 

My dream is to have a cake shop and sweets to create new recipes. 

  Another thing that I like to cook and also to eat is sushi. Mi favourite rolls are with avocado, pink salmon, chiken.     

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Nicolás Maquiavelo

Nicolas Maquiavelo was an Italian historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher and humanist. 
This author made important contributions to political science. 

He attribute the famous sentence "the end justifies the means" but never said.
Among his works we can mention: The Art of War (1519-1520), The Discourses on Livy (1512-1517) , Florentine Histories (1520-1525) but the most important work is "The Prince (1513)". 

Wich was written while he was in prison for conspiring against the Medici. The book describes the method by which a prince can acquire and maintain political power.

I like this personage because is pioneer in political thought especially in The Prince that represent a manual for every governor 

My favorite movie: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Movie: The curious case of Benjamin Button

The setting:

The context is in Louisiana close to the first years of the First World War

The plot: 

The movie is about a child born with a disease. Was born old men, and the family abandoned because was so ugly, however slowly began to rejuvenate, until it became a child.

The leading actors: 

- Brad Pitt
- Cate Blanchett
- Taraji P. Henson
- Julia Ormond
- Jason Flemyng
- Elias Koteas
- Tilda Swinton

I like the movie because is very original, and is very cute and it is also sad. Because Shows part of the history of the First World War and I love Brad Pitt <3

Totally recommend this movie!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I took this photo with my iPhone 4 at my grandparents' house three weeks ago.
In it appear a tree of fuchsia bougainvillea a sunny sunday autumn
I like this photo because the house of my grandparents brings me good memories, and also because on Sundays are usually family.
Her house is very big, and when I was little I loved playing in every corner.
I love flowers and the color fuschia. The contrast of the flowers and the sky looks very cute.
My grandmother loves plants and has roses, lemon tree, hydrangeas, and many more. 

My favorite piece of technology

My iPhone is my favorite technological piece, is a smartphone and I got it about a year ago approx.
I use every day to talk with my friends, view social networks, to take photographs, as an alarm in the morning, to know the weather etc, etc.
I like it because is very useful, keeps me connected, and because I can use instagram, which is my favorite social network.
But one thing I do not like of my iPhone, is it makes you addicted, and that people stop sharing with other people for be attentive a of their phone.
Could not live without my phone, would have to buy another one if it something happens because I need to be always connected.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


As I previously said I study Public Administration and Political Science in University of Chile. I go in second years the university. And my goals this year of the university are reach a good rate of study and learn english in order to go to student exchange in next year.

I also working for traveling this winter holiday I will no say place because is secret. I say maybe later.  

My biography

My full name is Francisca Dennett I prefer everyone call me Fran. Was in born Santiago of Chile. I twenty years old. Live with my father and my sister. My sister's name is Javiera, and father's name Ludwig. Visit my mom the weekends.

I studied in Ashell English College located in San Miguel (I dont learned English) and Madre Vicencia College located in Estacion Central. And present I study Public Administration and Political Science in University of Chile. Also working sporadically in promotions and events. With the money I accumulate I travel and buy clothes and make up

I do not practice any sport but I like biking, go to walk,  go to cinemma, go to shopping and love cooking in special sushi.

I dont have pets, I dont like.

That's part of my history. Bye!!